Hand with keys

Ech Vedder

Senior Realtor

My name is Ech (pronounced Esh) Vedder. I’m a lifelong Madisonian, having grown up on the East side. I am intimately connected to this very special city. From my education at UW Madison, to my years working for the city and serving on the Dane County Board, I’ve fought for social justice and equality in Madison.

My wife and I have two children who constantly amaze and inspire us. We live in the historic Wil-Mar neighborhood in a beautiful old Victorian home. Our home is our place of sustenance, safety, and gathering for family, friends, and pets. From biking with the kids to Olin park or jumping in the river in the summer, to sledding at Olbrich or ice skating at Tenney park in the winter, we thoroughly enjoy the natural and public resources Madison has to offer.

I’m very excited to help facilitate one of the most important decisions a person can make in his or her families lifetime! Let me use my knowledge of all the great resources Madison has to offer with my understanding of the housing market to help you find your perfect home.

Ech Vedder

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